From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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The creative brief

The creative brief

- [Instructor] Ideally the creative brief for a project would be developed by the client and designer together which is usually the case, but not always. And you may be given a prepared brief or may even have to write your own. But it is important as it forms the definition of the project and gives everyone involved, something to work to. A typical brief may include things like an overview that will give a high level view of the project requirements, along with its aims and objectives. There should be a list of who's involved in the project especially who will approve the different stages and any other stakeholders. It must contain the deliverables that will be produced at the end of the project. We should also include some scheduling information and if necessary, any milestones. You will need to know who the audiences are for the project. This is crucial information as your design should always be created for that…
