From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Type measurement

Type measurement

- [Instructor] Whatever measurement systems you use in your day-to-day life and work, when you're specifying text sizes, most of the time, you're likely going to be using points for print and pixels for screens. When specified, points are abbreviated to PT and pixels to PX, but there the similarity ends as variable pixel densities of the world of screens mean that pixel based measurements often use relative systems instead which you'll need to investigate later. Back in the world of document design, another type measurement you may see is the Pica which is equal to 12 points and the abbreviated form is simply the letter P. Instead of saying 36 points, you could say three Picas. Instead of saying 30 points, you could express that as two Pica six. You wouldn't need to say points after that as in the same way, if someone asked you how tall you were you may say I'm five foot 10. Very rarely do people say I'm five foot 10…
