From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Using grids

Using grids

- [Instructor] There are various different grid systems that can be used to assist with your layouts. The simplest of course, is the just stick stuff wherever single column grid that is really meant for novels and text-only books. We follow that with a slightly better two column grid and then a three column and a six column. Now you can make these as column dense as you like, to be honest, but my personal go-to is the 12 column because it's divisible by two, three, four, and six. The three column grid is actually the foundation as well for the asymmetrical two column grid that you see here, which I use for some of my technical textbooks. Hierarchical grids may be split into several rows, but this example is actually using the golden rectangle which I find most useful for postal work. But there are many other uses, of course. Modular grids are I think the hands down favorite of the day because they are so flexible and the…
