From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Complex website builders with fine-grained control

Complex website builders with fine-grained control

From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

Complex website builders with fine-grained control

- Squarespace, Wix and Weebly offer simple interfaces for building sites quickly. However, from a graphic designer's perspective these builders are extremely limiting. Graphic designers want the freedom to place elements wherever they want. They also want to customize designs for different screen sizes. Fortunately, there are more complex website builders that are available to fill this niche, including Webflow and Editor X. These are professional level visual development environments that will allow graphic designers to create the interface they want without knowing HTML, CSS, or other code. These more complex site builders are well more complex in what they offer via Webflows integrations and Editor X's app market, these complex site builders integrate with additional functionality. The concept is similar to WordPress plugins but there are a few notable differences. A big difference is that these apps and integrations may not be specific and exclusive to one platform or another…
