From the course: IoT Foundations: Operating Systems Fundamentals

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Linux OSs

Linux OSs

- [Instructor] Now, let's take a look at Linux which has a long history and it represents a strong ecosystem. Basically, an OS based on the Linux kernel can be considered as a Linux OS. A Linux OS is commonly seen on IoT network devices and high end servers. You may have know some Linux OS distributions such as Debian or Raspbian, Ubuntu, and Red Hat running on the generic or regular devices. They are considered as full Linux. The underclass of Linux OS's is generally called embedded Linux. It is used in cases where the devices have low cost hardware and require optimized performance. Embedded Linux is used for the embedded systems with custom features less than those of full Linux or with those using processors without memory management unit called MMU. While the full Linux is used for the processes having the MMU. MMU is a unit sitting between the processor and the memory intercepting all memory references and performing translation between the virtual addresses and the physical…
