From the course: IoT Foundations: Operating Systems Fundamentals

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Overview of FreeRTOS

Overview of FreeRTOS

- [Instructor] FreeRTOS is an RTOS kernel which was created by Richard Barry in 2003. It's been broadly used in the microcontroller-based embedded devices. It had been released under a permissive license and now it's released under the permissive MIT license, meaning that you are free to use it in commercial products without exposing your propriety resource code. The FreeRTOS kernae version 10 has become part of the Amazon FreeRTOS meaning it's supported by the Amazon AWS ecosystem which can be utilized for your connected solutions. Let's look at some feature highlights. First of all, it's a market-leading RTOS which has been popularly used in many embedding projects. It has a small footprint which takes a small portion of your memory on your board. The kernel only takes around ten kilobytes of the read-only memory. It has efficient resource management mechanisms in terms of task and memory management and it has a interface to use the low power modes of processors. From the developers…
