From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Common interview questions

Common interview questions

- There are some fairly common interview questions that you'll want to make sure you can answer effectively. Interview questions for UX designers are a mix of background questions, behavioral questions and skills questions. Some questions are designed to get a better understanding about you and your career. For example, questions that are often asked of designers are, name some of your favorite apps and experiences you like and tell me about the trajectory of your career. What are the next steps? These questions are to get a sense of what you think is a good user experience and if your career aspirations line up with the role. When it comes to behavioral questions, you'll want to respond using a technique known as the STAR method. The STAR method stands for situation, task, action, and results. Answering questions using this format gives the person you're talking to the context they need to understand your actions.…
