From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Design exercise

Design exercise

- For most startup and corporate positions, you may be given a design exercise. A design exercise is an assignment where you're given a prompt and asked to come up with a design solution in the form of a deliverable. Different companies have different requirements for the design exercise. Sometimes you have to do a mini spec, or a high fidelity mockup, or sometimes it's all wire frames. It depends on the company and the assignment. It is extremely important, however, that you be aware that design exercises should never be for the product the company already has. That is a solicitation for free design work and you should avoid companies who ask for that. For example, if you're asked to redesign an existing part of their product it's okay to tell 'em that you're not interested. The design exercise is to get a sense of how you approach design. For example, you might be asked to design an online food ordering system that…
