From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Design teammate interview

Design teammate interview

- Your one-on-one interviews are a great way for people on the team to get a better sense of who you are and what kinds of skills and abilities you could bring to the team. These conversations will look different depending on who is interviewing you, and each interviewer is assessing you for something different. Unless you're being hired as the first designer for this role, you will be interviewed by a designer from the team you'll be joining. Sometimes, this is the same interview as the whiteboarding exercise, but sometimes, it's an additional interview. Always bring a notebook or some type of paper to interview with the designer. Be prepared to sketch concepts that support your stories if you need to. You'll interact regularly with your design peers in group meetings and collaborate closely with them. The designer will be assessing you on your design judgment, skill, and looking for how you will collaborate…
