From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Engineer interview

Engineer interview

- In smaller companies and startups, you may be meeting an engineer in your one-on-one, especially if the team is really small. Similar to product managers, engineers won't be judging your design work. They'll be trying to get a better understanding of how you work with an engineer. Engineers are responsible for coding and developing your design, so having a good relationship with your developer is important. If you're unable to work effectively with an engineer, your designs may not ship. Common questions an engineer might ask are things like, how do you validate your design work? And what if I had a different idea on the approach, how would you take that? The kind of questions you may want to ask an engineer might be how do you like being involved in the design? Some engineers do have opinions on the design and you'll want to get a sense if this is someone who wants to collaborate with the design or they'd rather just…
