From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Learning break

Learning break

- So before we get any further, I wanted to take a quick break. I wanted to share with you a story about how I got my first UX job even though I don't have a traditional UX background. I didn't go to school for design. I did go to school for psychology but it turned out to not be as relevant as I had hoped. After my degree, I decided that I was going to figure out what I wanted to do next, and I was pretty sure that I wanted to do something with the internet. So I pursued a course of study to try to find out what that meant and I took a course called Information Architecture and it was like, that just totally opened my world to me. I just realized that this was the thing that I wanted to do. I wanted to organize information on websites. It was something that I didn't know there was a word for it. I didn't know there was a career for it. I sent my resume out to 50 people. I put together a capstone project around interaction…
