From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Product manager interview

Product manager interview

- As a UX designer in either a startup or in a corporate setting, you'll work very closely with the product manager. UX designers and product managers have the same goal of meeting customer needs, but product managers focus more on the business and technical side of things where UX focuses on the design side. Because the success of the product relies on a strong partnership between both parties, you will likely have a product manager interview. Product managers won't really be asking about your design work. They'll be trying to get a sense of how you work and any examples of your work style. You can expect to get questions like, what does an ideal collaboration with a product manager look like? Product managers rely on influence for their role, which is leadership without authority. They'll be looking to get a better understanding of how you influence the people you work with from day to day. This is your chance to…
