From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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The UX interview process

The UX interview process

- The interview process for UX designers requires a lot of preparation. The whole process can take a few weeks from start to finish. The onsite interview itself can take up to six hours so you'll want to be mentally prepared and focused. The interview process will generally consist of an initial phone screen with a recruiter, a phone interview with the hiring manager, a design exercise, and an onsite interview with the portfolio presentation, followed by a series of one-on-one interviews. There's some things you'll need to prepare for at each step 'cause each person in the hiring process will be looking for something different in the candidate and you'll want to understand what those things are. You'll also want to make sure you're well versed in your own work. Anything in your portfolio or in your resume is fair game for anyone to ask about. If there's something that you've forgotten about or can't speak to the level of…
