From the course: Job Interview Strategies for UX Designers

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Whiteboarding exercise

Whiteboarding exercise

- As part of the interview, you'll most likely get a whiteboarding exercise. This is a very informal design exercise. You'll be given a design problem, and you'll be asked to draw a design solution on the whiteboard. Typically, your reviewer will be a design teammate, and they will talk with you through the process, and ask you questions as you sketch out ideas and flows. This process is really to test how you think about design, and how detailed your sketches can be to get the point across. There's no expectation that your whiteboarding will be perfect. Here's how it works. You'll be given a design challenge, like, "Design and experience for concert ticket system." And you'll have to think out loud while you create the design. Here's what that looks like in practice. For this challenge, you'll want to start by organizing key use cases and assumptions first. So in this case, you'll want to define your target audience…
