From the course: Key Account Management

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Identify the key account management task

Identify the key account management task

From the course: Key Account Management

Identify the key account management task

- Now that you're armed with a vision, a mission, and a set of objectives, it's time to get down to the next level of detail. and that means creating a key account task for each assigned account. Think of a key account task like a job description for the account manager. The task can change depending on the account. Think of the key account task as a master directive that translates your strategic intent into action. It's like a North Star that should guide not only your key account managers but also the people inside and outside your organization who support the account. The key account task addresses just four questions. Who are we targeting within the account? Now, this should be a specific person or a group of people in the account. What are we trying to achieve? These are specific outcomes that are linked directly to your overall key account management objectives. How are we going to achieve success? Now, these are…
