From the course: Key Account Management

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Select key accounts

Select key accounts

- With a set of criteria in place that you and your colleagues agree on, it's time to select which accounts do and don't make the key account list. Now this can be tricky and a somewhat emotional step in the process. You might have some colleagues or even your boss who have a pet account that they've known for a very long time. And those people might try to make a strong case for their favorite account to make the list. So you need to prepare yourself for some conflict here. The best way to avoid or overcome this conflict is to collaborate with a cross-functional team of people who can help you apply the criteria to each account. Now your team should include representatives from those departments most impacted by a key account management program. Your finance partner should definitely be a part of the team. He or she can give you and the team the most accurate picture of the financial performance of each…
