From the course: Key Account Management

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Train key account managers

Train key account managers

- For most companies, key account managers tend to be experienced, mature and pretty savvy when it comes to dealing with corporate dynamics. It's not likely you're going to put some new rookie sales rep in charge of your best account. That said, it may be tempting to let a newly selected key account manager rush straight into the job and get things moving but hold on, that's a mistake. I don't care how experienced your selected candidate is, they still need some degree of training and onboarding to be successful. So here are some tips on how best to do that. First, if the new candidate is replacing someone in the job now, make sure there's a thorough debriefing and handoff to the new manager. That means a lot more than the two of them, the predecessor and successor just getting together for lunch to talk things over. You must ensure that the two of them have created a written transition plan that includes dates, and…
