From the course: Learning 3D Printing

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Mesh repair

Mesh repair

- Mesh repair is an important step in the 3D printing process. First know that you won't always need mesh repair software. Exports from solid modeling programs are typically okay while mesh modeling workflows, are more prone to issues. 3D printing services, often check and repair files automatically as part of the upload process. And so manual repair maybe unnecessary. But, mesh repair utilities are useful when significant fixes or precise control are necessary. Let's take a quick peak at Meshmixer, which is a free mesh repair option. To start a click on the sample bunny file. Now there are lots of tools for editing meshes in Meshmixer, but I primarily want to show you the analysis tools. And go up to the top and click Inspector. And you can see that there's blue sphere here at the bottom, that indicates that there's an issue. If I orbit to the bottom to take a closer look, I can see that there is a big hole at…
