From the course: Learning C#

An introduction to learning C# - C# Tutorial

From the course: Learning C#

An introduction to learning C#

- I've been programming for many years now and I always seem to come back to C#. It has a rich history and expressive syntax and a very powerful and capable standard library in the .NET runtime. Hi, I'm Joe Marini, and I've been building software for some of the best known companies in Silicon Valley for more than 30 years. In this course, we're going to get an introduction to the C# programming language, from the basics such as data types and program flow control, to more advanced concepts, like working with string data and building classes using object oriented programming techniques. The C# language has somehow found a way to combine power, simplicity, and expressiveness into a language that can do just about everything. So come join me in my course and see for yourself how easy it is to get started learning C#.
