From the course: Learning Canva

What you can use Canva for - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Learning Canva

What you can use Canva for

- When I first started in the online world, graphic design was not my forte. And I didn't want to learn other complicated software or spend lots of money hiring graphic designers to help me with my projects. And luckily, I didn't have to. I discovered Canva, which gives me all the tools and resources I need, and more, to create logos, social media graphics, design promotional materials, everything I need with little to no graphic design training or experience. I'm Marley Baird, CEO of Marley Baird Media, a video branding and YouTube company. And as I developed my brand and began working with some of the biggest influencers on the internet, I knew that I needed to step up my game when it came to our design. Canva came to the rescue and is one of my favorite tools for its ease of use, exceptional functionality, and the ability to use it from anywhere. In this course, you'll learn how to use Canva for any kind of design project you're working on, whether it's business or personal, without pulling your hair out, without spending too much time or money, and you'll be able to create stunning outcomes every single time.
