From the course: Learning Design Research

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Challenge: Creating a design research plan

Challenge: Creating a design research plan

From the course: Learning Design Research

Challenge: Creating a design research plan

(gentle upbeat music) - [Instructor] For this challenge, we're going to create a KWHL table. Remember, a KWHL table helps us to organize our thoughts in the beginning stages of a project. It also helps us to determine an appropriate plan for what we need to research and how we'll do it. We're going to use the following problem to help work through this challenge, voter turnout. Every US citizen has the right to vote when they turn 18 years old. However, not all people exercise this right, especially those under the age of 30. So our task is to create some sort of multimedia campaign that will help encourage this demographic to vote. Now, this is quite a broad problem, and there's a whole lot we should find out before we begin designing. So we'll use the KWHL table to help us see what we do know, and we'll also use it to help determine what we need to find out and how we'll do it. You can find the KWHL table we'll be…
