From the course: Learning Git and GitHub

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GitHub notifications

GitHub notifications

- [Instructor] GitHub send notifications for all types of activities on the website. So let's go over some of the types of notifications and how to control them a little bit. So there are three main venues for checking your notifications. The first is on the website itself. There is a notifications tab right here and you can see that, and it has a blue dot because I have recently gotten some new notifications. Also in the same way on any specific repo, you can take a look at how those notifications will be tracked for this specific repo. As you can see here, that I can say participating and mentions, all activity, ignore if I never want to be notified, or custom. Now, if I click on custom, you can see that I can get notifications only for specific things. So that's how you do things on a repo level. You can also click on this notifications and it gives you a similar kind of interface to other things in GitHub where…
