From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Edit contact information

Edit contact information - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

Edit contact information

- [Instructor] When you add contacts to your HubSpot CRM account, there will be times when you need to go in and make changes to existing information or even add information that's missing. There are ways to edit individual records or multiple records at the same time and that's what we're going to explore in this movie. We're still looking at our list of contacts here. From the Contacts dropdown, selecting Contacts, gives us our current list. You'll notice, for example, I have one contact that's missing a phone number and as we use the scroll bar to go across you can see all of our records are missing some of the information that needs to be added. Some of it will be tracked for us automatically, but I can see that there's at least a few records here that don't have an owner. They're unassigned. Let's start with the individual record. We can click the name of the contact, in this case, Claire Lucille, to go into that record and from here we can make changes to the existing content…
