From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Work with email templates

Work with email templates - HubSpot Tutorial

From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

Work with email templates

- [Instructor] Just as with Snippets, you may have standardized emails you send out on a regular basis to multiple contacts, and to save time and effort you might consider creating an email template. You can also personalize just as we did with snippets using tokens. That's what we're going to do in this movie by going up to Conversations, click there. And this time select templates. Now from here you're going to see again you get a maximum of five templates you can create with the free version of HubSpot. You can upgrade it anytime if you want more. There is one sample template available here for you to take a look at before you create your first one. Go ahead and click the name, Breakup email Sample Template. You can see the subject. There's a token just as we did with snippets, we can use tokens to personalize our email. You can see it's much longer, though. And this would be a good example of a template, an email that you would send out on a regular basis to multiple people. So…
