From the course: Learning HubSpot CRM

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Work with tasks

Work with tasks

- [Instructor] Managing your customer relationships can involve a lot of work. There may be emails, calls, and meetings that need to be set up. And HubSpot has something to help you remember those. They're called tasks. When you set up tasks, you can also set up reminders so that you'll never miss something that needs to be done, whether it be connected to a contact, to a deal, even to a company, we're going to explore tasks. And we're going to do it first by going up to Sales and selecting Tasks. From here, you're going to see a list of all your tasks, if you have any. If you don't, you'll see that You're all caught up. No open tasks. But you can see up here on the top right corner, we can create a task right from here. When we do this, we need to give it a title or name. You can see we can associate it with records. A record can be a contact. It can be a company. It can be a deal or a ticket. Just hover over the information icon to see that information. We set up a due date and…
