From the course: Learning Infographic Design

Learn infographic design

- Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to learn about infographic design. My name is Amy Balliett, I'm the author of the award-winning book "Killer Visual Strategies", as well as the CEO and founder of the agency also called Killer Visual Strategies and formerly called Killer Infographics soon to become Material. When I launched Killer in 2010, infographics were just beginning to take off as a popular content format. At the time, there were a few companies specializing in the craft, which allowed us to carve out a unique niche in the market. Within a couple of years of business, we became the infographic agency of record for some of the world's largest brands and our work still sets the standard in the industry today, about five years into my tenure at Killer, I created my first course on infographic design for LinkedIn Learning, but so much has changed since then. So I knew that it was time to update the course accordingly. Now if you're taking this updated version of the course, you're likely a designer working on behalf of an employer or clients. Alternatively, you might be a solopreneur working to get your business the attention it deserves. Or you could be a brand communicator, potentially a marketer, an HR rep, or a brand evangelist, hoping to increase your skillset so that you can make infographics for your own communication needs. And this course well it's for all of you. Now that being said, there will be times throughout the course that I refer to your client or stakeholders or something like that, even though you might not be serving a client. This is because almost every infographic out there has at least one stakeholder beyond the intended audience. That stakeholder might be a boss, a colleague, a partner, or a client. Now because there are a variety of potential stakeholders. I'm going to use the term client and stakeholder interchangeably, but don't let that deter you if you're your own client in the end, especially since it means that you have one less person to appease in the process. So with all this said, let's go ahead and dive in to the updated version of Learning Infographic Design. A course that combines over a decade of experience, creating successful infographics with the largest brands in the world.
