From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Review infographics in other languages

Review infographics in other languages

From the course: Learning Infographic Design

Review infographics in other languages

- While there were many glaring issues with that last infographic that you saw, you may be hard pressed to find equally glaring issues with this design. This infographic was part of a two-page magazine spread following the 2012 Summer Olympics. I love to show this when presenting to any US-based audiences, because of the fact that all of the copy is in Spanish. You see it's a sign of a great infographic. When you can identify the topic without reading the text. Thanks to the data visualizations, reflecting the five Olympic rings as the main focal point, alongside photos of iconic Olympians. It's easy to quickly glean the topic of this piece. And if you can't read the text, one can easily understand the data visualizations and identify clear conclusions as a result. This infographic has more information than I would personally suggest for a two-page spread. In fact, a good rule of thumb to consider when designing…
