From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Solution: First draft infographic revealed

Solution: First draft infographic revealed

From the course: Learning Infographic Design

Solution: First draft infographic revealed

- [Instructor] Here is the final infographic produced for this course. The final design is uniform thanks to the use of the same illustration style, a limited color and font pallet, accurate data Viz and visual metaphors. Color within the data Viz is used to create patterns for the eye. Arrows are used to provide additional wayfinding for the audience. And custom illustrations not only display the information at hand, but keep the audience engaged. All in all, I'd say it's a huge step up from the first iteration of this infographic and a testament to over a decade of lessons learned. If you would like feedback on your infographic, don't hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn and I will happily weigh in and provide extra tips too.
