From the course: Learning Infographic Design

What you will learn

- What makes an infographic killer versus so-so? Well, that's what this course is all about. You see, the updated version of my original Learning Infographic Design course is taking into consideration all of the feedback that I've received over the years from my first course. I was asked, for example, to make things even more hands-on. So that's exactly what I've done for this course. In fact, by the end of this course, you will have designed an infographic from concept to final product. Now, we're going to be doing this by walking through the first infographic I ever designed. It's an infographic wrought with error, poorly designed, and even on multiple lists of the worst infographic ever. And we're going to redesign it together, fixing all of the mistakes that I made when I was a novice who was just getting started in the world of infographic design. We're going to use this infographic to better understand what not to do, and we'll apply the best practices that my team and I have perfected over the years to create something truly killer. You're welcome to design the same infographic along with me, or to follow the steps while taking on any topic that you prefer. Now, to aid in this process, you're going to have a number of exercise files at your disposal, including a creative brief template, a research document that we're going to build together, a wireframe template as well as a fully designed wireframe that we're also going to create together, and a final infographic design provided in Adobe Illustrator. Now, if you're not familiar with Adobe Illustrator, that's okay, you can still follow along with this course and learn the best practices of infographic design as you go through. I would also like to note that my first version of this course began with a primer on visual communication theory. This course doesn't do that. Instead, I sprinkle this theory throughout the course where applicable to provide better context surrounding the why behind the design choices made. All that said, understanding the brain science and the environmental factors that drive our demand for visual communication can make a significant impact on your own success in infographic design. It can help you to better manage the expectations of your clients, colleagues, and audiences, and it will definitely help you throughout the design process. Because of this, I also suggest that you check out my course, The 20 Rules of Visual Communication, which will help you become an expert in this unique and extremely important niche. Now, with all of that said, after laying out these details, if you're still ready to jump on in, let's roll up our sleeves and get started.
