From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

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Important terms and definitions

Important terms and definitions - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

Important terms and definitions

Now that you know about the different application and deployment types, let's discuss some important terms and definitions. An issue is an individual item in Jira. Each time you create an item, you're creating a new issue with a unique key to identify it. An issue is any individual record in the Jira database. It could represent a request, a problem, a task, a to-do item, a development item like story, bug or epic, or a support item like a change, incident, or service request. A project is a collection of issues. Now, the word "project" in Jira is different than an initiative your team is working on outside of Jira. Think of a Jira project as a container for all your team's initiatives, tasks, and to-do items. In this course, I'll try to say project when talking about Jira and initiatives when talking about tasks outside of Jira. There's generally one Jira project per department, system, team, or application. For example, there might be a Jira project called Human Resources to track…
