From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

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Using reports

Using reports

Work Management, Software, and Service Management project types all come with built-in reports. The reports provide yet another way to view and analyze data. The available reports differ by project type. Just like with dashboard gadgets, the reports are driven by a JQL query and each report has its own settings. Let's run a report. Start by clicking the "Reports" option in the projects left sidebar. Next, choose a report from the list. I'll choose the single-level group by report. Then choose a filter. In the statistic type field, choose a field to group by. I'll choose status. Finally, click the form submission button. The next page shows the list of issues grouped by status, and some additional progress information is also displayed. To change the report parameters, click the "Configure" button at the top right. Bookmark the report or share it with others by copying the browser's URL.
