From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Records: The basics

Records: The basics

- [Instructor] Dynamics 365 helps you work with the data that you have about your customers. Because we have all of our information from sales and service, marketing and other areas together in one place, there's a lot of synergy. And we have a lot of visibility into our business. Let me give you an example. Perhaps you're working in a sales area and you're about to make a call on a customer. So I'm going to go over to my customers area and open accounts. And I want to go visit with Jim Glynn at Coho Winery. Now, if I'd like to learn about Coho Winery, I can click here and see information. And note that when I open up Coho Winery I get a timeline that shows that there are actually some service cases that are outstanding. A shipment question for example. And if I'd like to learn more about that before I pick up the phone and call Jim, I can click and take a look at the details of that particular case and where it is in the process, so that when I'm talking to Jim I can say, well we've…
