From the course: Learning Next.js

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Learning the benefits of Next.js

Learning the benefits of Next.js

From the course: Learning Next.js

Learning the benefits of Next.js

- [Instructor] One main reason to switch to Next.js are the benefits. The goal in this video is to teach you over the next minutes, the fundamentals and the main benefits of choosing Next.js. And if you have experience with both backend and frontend, Next.js is kind of a combination of both. It is built on top of React with extra features like Server-Side Rendering and Static Site Generation. Let's look at the development benefits first. It provides with rapid feature development. And Next.js also provide with confidence when building UI that are responsive and flexible. Meaning that websites and web applications that are created with Next.js can work on any device and adapt to any script size or resolution. So users can access your websites or web applications from their favorite device. Next.js also includes a built-in CSS support. It is component-based just like React. Plus Next.js supports locally scoped CSS modules. A…
