From the course: Learning Next.js

What you should know

- [Narrator] This class is from beginner to an intermediate level. It assumes that you have a basic knowledge of HTML. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is used to create the structure of the page. Then you should know also about CSS, which is short for Cascading Style Sheets, and is used to change the appearance of the page. So what you should know is knowing how to define CSS rules to change, for example, the font size, the text color, or the background color of your page. Basic knowledge of JavaScript is also important, so you should know how to create an object, how to interact with the DOM, the Document Object Model, and how to enable user interactions such as a click on a button or submit a form. If you have answered yes to every technical requirement, this is perfect. You're all set and ready to enjoy the class. And if you already have experience with building React applications, this is even better. The learning experience will be a breeze. And if you're complete beginner with the topic of Next.js, this is perfectly fine as the course is designed to walk you through the process of starting a new project with Next.js with the tooling, how to get set up, how to create a new application, and learn the fundamentals of the framework with multiple exercises and demonstrations. By the end, you'll be fast on your way to create awesome websites with the Next.js framework.
