From the course: Learning Responsive Web Design in the Browser

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✓ Challenge: Create a container map and modularize the design

✓ Challenge: Create a container map and modularize the design - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Learning Responsive Web Design in the Browser

✓ Challenge: Create a container map and modularize the design

- [Voicover] It's challenge time. If you haven't done a challenge in a course before here's the gist of it. A challenge is like a mini lab built into the course where I give you some instructions and guidelines on what to do then you pause the course, sit down and work your way through the challenge and then when you're done you come back to the course and I'll explain how I solve the same challenge and walk you through my solution. The purpose of these challenges is to get you to start working with what you've learned in the course immediately and allow you to experiment and explore on your own rather than just following along with me verbatim. Sounds exciting, right? There'll be a couple of different challenges in this course that allow you to experiment with some of the key aspects of what you've learned. In this first challenge we're focusing on mapping out containers and modules before designing in the browser. Here's what I want you to do. In the exercise files for this movie…
