From the course: Learning Responsive Web Design in the Browser

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Design responsive WordPress themes in the browser

Design responsive WordPress themes in the browser - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Learning Responsive Web Design in the Browser

Design responsive WordPress themes in the browser

- [Voiceover] All right, we can't talk about responsive web design in a browser without talking about WordPress. Why? Because WordPress is the ideal platform on which to design in the browser. So before we wrap up this course, let me give you a quick rundown of how designing in the browser works with the WordPress theme. The process of designing response WordPress themes in the browser starts pretty much the same way that we've been doing throughout this course so far. Create style guides or other design assets to establish the design language for your theme, and create draft layouts to work with. The draft layouts you saw in the beginning of this course were actually the layouts for the WordPress theme called Popper that you're seeing right here on my browser right now. And if you want to learn how to make this theme, you can check out the course: WordPress Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores right here in the library. This theme was designed entirely in the browser. Of…
