From the course: Learning Responsive Web Design in the Browser

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Start with a core setup

Start with a core setup

- [Narrator] Designing in the browser I find it helpful to start with a pre-build core setup. This gives me a baseline document and some core CSS to work with so I'm not starting from scratch every time. There are many types of core set ups available on the web. You have everything from the basic HTML5 boilerplates, to advanced frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation. But I like to start as minimalist and unopinionated as possible, so I built my own. What you see here is my standard core set up and I use it anytime I start a new design in the browser. I mentioned it in the previous movie and now it's time to take a closer look. You'll find this core set up in the exercise files, and I've also added it in the materials folder in the exercise files. You're free to use it when you do your own designs in the browser after finishing this course. My core set up consists of an index.html file, seen here containing basic mark-up and a standard multi-level menu. The style.css file serves as…
