From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Choosing a template file

Choosing a template file - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Choosing a template file

- [Illustrator] In this video, I'm going to create a new Revit project, and I'm going to use a template to help me do that. So a template just gives you a starting point for your new project. So over here under Models on my home screen, I will click the New button, and that will display the New Project window. Now you'll see a template file choice here with a drop-down. Now the items you see on your drop-down might vary from mine depending on the version of Revit you're using and which options you chose during installation. But I just want the Imperial architectural template. Now if you don't see that on your list, it's actually just the default architectural template that comes with the software, and I'll provide a copy of that with the exercise files. So after I choose that and I click Okay, that will create a new empty project based on that template. So let me just point out a few features of this really basic architectural template. Now the first thing you'll notice is, in the…
