From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Color scheme diagram

Color scheme diagram - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Color scheme diagram

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to show you how to make and apply a color scheme to your floor plan. So a color scheme is a really useful tool for you to begin creating a graphical presentation of the data that's contained within your model. So I'm going to do a really simple example here that will illustrate the function of each of the spaces here in my restaurant floor plan. Now in order to do that I need to do three things. I need to add room elements. Room elements actually represent the physical spaces that are enclosed within our building project. In those room elements I need to add the data that I want to base my color scheme on. And then finally I need to actually apply the color scheme and create the presentation. So let's start by adding the room elements. Now we have a tool dedicated to this purpose on the Room & Area tab of the architecture panel and it's called Room right here. Now I'm going to click that button and I want to just move my mouse into the view window,…
