From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Exploring additional modeling tools

Exploring additional modeling tools - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Exploring additional modeling tools

- [[Narrator] There's lots more to working in Revit than just building a model. But before we leave modeling behind there's a few more modeling tools that I'd like to at least draw your attention to. So, I've got a slightly more refined example of our restaurant model right here that already has some of the modeling tools in it that I'd like to focus on. So you'll notice that there are these glazed elements along the front of the building, there's some roof elements here, and inside the building there's more elements that we'll see in a few moments. So why don't we start with the roof element right here. I'm going to go ahead and select this and of course, as you can see, we can make it slope at any angle that we need. Now, with that selected, its semi-transparent so you can actually see right through the roof right now and kind of see some of the geometry down below. But over here on the properties palette, you will have several options that you can configure and one of them is that…
