From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Importing a CAD file

Importing a CAD file - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Importing a CAD file

- [Narrator] Even though you're working in Revit, it's pretty common for you to need to access data that was created outside of Revit and other CAD files. So, in this video, let's assume that I have a civil engineer that's working in AutoCAD and has sent me a DWG file of the site plan information, and I need to incorporate that information into my Revit project. So, I'm going to switch views. I'll come over here on the project browser and go to my site plan view, and you could see that it comes in at a much smaller scale. And I want to give myself a little bit of room to work. So, I'll just put my mouse kind of in the middle of the screen here and roll down a couple of clicks to zoom out. So, to bring in a file created in another CAD program, we go to the insert tab and we have two options. We have link CAD here and we have import CAD here. Now, generally speaking, link CAD is considered the better choice. And one of the major advantages of link CAD is that if the file that I'm…
