From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Importing an image file

Importing an image file - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Importing an image file

- [Instructor] Revit supports all sorts of file formats that can be used brought into your Revit project and used for references. So, in this video I'd like to focus on two formats, image file formats, and PDFs, both of which are fairly common. Now, if you're working in the full version of Revit, you have access to both of these formats. If you're working in Revit LT, you only have access to image files, you won't be able to bring in a PDF. All right, so both of these we can find on the Insert tab, and you'll see that there are several different buttons available here with lots of file formats. So, what we're going to do is focus on the image file first. Now, there's two ways you can bring in these images or PDFs, you can link them, or you can import them. Now, the overall steps are largely the same in both cases, what's different is when you link it, it maintains a connection back to the original file, and if that…
