From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Introducing the interface

Introducing the interface - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Introducing the interface

- [Instructor] Before we get started building any geometry in Revit, let's take a quick tour of the user interface. So, I want to treat this like the first time you visit a friend's house. They usually take you around and they show you where everything is. So, let's just take this opportunity to take a really quick tour of the major elements of the Revit user interface. Now, what you see on your screen might vary slightly from what I have, but the overall pieces of the interface should remain pretty consistent and that has something to do with, maybe, whether you're working in Revit LT or the full version of Revit or the specific file that you happen to have open. All right, so let's start with the file menu. So, right over here on the upper left hand corner is a file menu and, as you might expect, it is your file management tool. So, we have tools to create files, to open files, save them, export them, print them. So, anytime you want to do some file management type operation, think…
