From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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- [Instructor] There's lots more to a building layout than walls, doors and windows. So let's start by adding a few other components to this model. We'll start with some columns, and then we'll look at a variety of other components. Now what all of these items have in common is Revit refers to these as families, and families are organized into different categories. Sometimes those categories will have their own dedicated button, such as walls, doors, windows and columns. And other times, you're going to find everything just under the generic Component button. So let's start with columns. There are actually two types, structural and architectural. And for this example, I'm going to do the architectural column. And when I choose that command off the list, over here on the type selector, you will see that there's a single rectangular column family loaded, and it has three sizes, I'm going to accept the default 24 inch square size. Now, an interesting behavior of columns is that they will…
