From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Navigating a project's views

Navigating a project's views - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Navigating a project's views

- [Instructor] In this video, I'd like to show you how to get around in a Revit project, and also give you a little glimpse of why Revit is important and one of the most powerful features of using the software. So, let's start with the project browser, which is how we get around in the project. So the project browser is located right here on the left hand side. So, you could really think of this as just your table of contents for the project. This is how you get around in the project here. Now, if I scroll through this list, you'll see that it's organized into different groupings. So at the top, I had Floor Plans, and then there were Ceiling Plans and then here's 3D views. And notice that one of those 3D views is currently bold. Well, that matches up to the name of this tab right here. So, the bold is how they indicate on the project browser what the active view is currently on screen. Now if you want to open up a different view and see your model from a different vantage point, it's…
