From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Opening a collaborative team project

Opening a collaborative team project - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Opening a collaborative team project

- [Instructor] In this course, we're going to focus on individual projects with individual users. But when you're working in an office environment, you'll frequently be working on projects that have a team of participants. Now working in a team is going to vary a little bit depending on whether you're in Revit or Revit LT. Revit supports what we call work sharing or central models. And that allows more than one user to access a project at the same time. Revit LT does not have this functionality. So what will happen is that if you try to open a single user project that somebody else is actively working in, you'll see some sort of a read-only message that looks kind of like what I'm showing here. And it would allow you to open the file read-only, but then of course you wouldn't be able to save any of your changes. So that's going to make it a little difficult to work together in a team. So in Revit LT, you typically need to make sure that your projects are small enough that you can have…
