From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Path of Travel

Path of Travel

- [Instructor] In this video, let's look at the path of travel tool. Most building codes have requirements for the maximum distance that you can travel to get to an exit, and you often have to create some sort of an exiting plan for your documentation set. So the path of travel tool, while it's not specifically designed as a exiting tool, it can certainly be used for that purpose. What I want to do is start calculating my exiting for this dining room here. So I could work directly in this level one floor plan, but I think I'd rather have a view that's a little less cluttered, so I'm going to right-click level one, go to duplicate view, and I'm going to choose this first option, duplicate, because notice that that will only give me a view that shows the geometry. It won't copy any of the tags or dimensions or text. Now, I'm going to right-click that and rename it, and I'll call it something like level one exit plan. Now I'm going to use my zoom in region tool over here on the…
