From the course: Learning Revit 2021

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Working with 3D views

Working with 3D views - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2021

Working with 3D views

- [Instructor] In this video I'd like to show you a couple different techniques for creating 3D views. Now we've seen 3D views before but we've only focused on this basic axisymmetric view that you get by default when using the default 3D view icon right here. Now I want to actually show you in detail how this tool works so let's start with that. The first thing I'd like to note is if you look at the project browser, under 3D Views you will see that the bold view is currently this {3D} view. So that's a default built-in name that Revit uses to indicate the default 3D view and I tend to refer to that as just {3D}. Now that gets created automatically if it doesn't already exist. So let me show you what I mean by that. First thing is I want to distinguish this view from the new one that we're about to create, just a little bit. So there's any number of things that we could do to achieve that. We could change the orientation of the view or the shading, so let's change the shading. So I'm…
