From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Memorizing formulas and equations

Memorizing formulas and equations

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Memorizing formulas and equations

- In this video we're going to discuss the memorization of formulas, something we've all had to do in school and sometimes even at work. You might consider the memorization of formulas difficult, but with a little mental effort, concentration, and tricks memorizing formulas can be fun. You can apply some of the memory principles and techniques we've covered in this course to memorize these formulas. Just keep in mind that the best way to remember a formula is to fully understand how the formula was created to begin with. So if you end up forgetting that formula, you can backtrack and think of all the steps that went into deriving the formula. Understanding why the formula works the way it does is always better than simply trusting the magic of the letters and numbers in the formula. But there are situations where you might encounter difficulty in fully understanding how the formula was derived, or maybe you don't need to know exactly how the formula works. Maybe you just need to be…
