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Memory palaces and the method of loci

Memory palaces and the method of loci

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Memory palaces and the method of loci

- The memory palace, also known as the method of loci, is a memory technique developed in Ancient Greece over 2000 years ago. It was widely used by the Greeks, and later the Romans, to memorize lengthy speeches. Back then, before you could digitally record something, it was very important to have a trained memory and strategies like the method of loci were widely used. These strategies are still used today by competitors in memory contests to remember digits, faces, decks of cards, among other things. Loci, by the way, is the plural of the Latin word locus which means place. This strategy is based on the idea that you can best remember places that are familiar to you, like your home or workplace. According to Cicero, the method of loci was developed by the Greek poet Simonides who was the lone survivor when a building collapsed during a dinner party. He remembered who was sitting where to identify everyone. He realized through this that it was possible to remember anything by…
